On 14 June 2007, I turned 50 – no better time to pause and take a look back at the road behind and the major stops along the way. For my celebration at the China Club in Berlin, I invited Professor Falter, whom I had served as research assistant at the Free University Berlin. Other professors whom I had worked with were also in attendance, among them the renowned historian Arnulf Baring and the political scientist Eckhard Jesse. Prof. Falter delivered the first of the tongue-in-cheek speeches and amused the 140 guests with anecdotes from the days of “Zitelmann the scientist.” Next came Dr. Thomas Löffelholz, recalling the times when he had been editor in chief and published of DIE WELT and me an editor under him. The third speech was given by Christoph Kahl, the founder of JAMESTOWN and one of the first clients of my company. He is, by the way, a man I deeply admire. It was touching to see that so many leading personalities of the real estate industry, especially from among my clients, had taken the time to come.



Speech Christoph Kahl 50. Anniversary

Speech by Christoph Kahl 50th Birthday (5 pages)

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