New Release 2018


Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann with the Korean ambassador Dr. Bum Goo JONG, 13. April 2017 – talking about “Kapitalismus ist nicht das Problem, sondern die Lösung”


“In his new book, The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich, the historian Rainer Zitelmann attempts an empirical investigation into the link between personality traits and the creation of enormous wealth. He suggests there are five overriding characteristics of self-made multimillionaires: they are optimistic; they are nonconformists; they are driven by gut instinct, not business analysis; they are likely to have been athletic in their youth; and they are good at selling and did sales work of one sort or another when they were growing up. Having been partners with dozens of highly successful entrepreneurs, I thin these highlights are well observed.”

Luke Johnson, THE SUNDAY TIMES, May 13, 2018

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These are the personality attributes you need to become a billionaire

Family Capital, June 13, 2018.

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High-level promotion at all major airports and train stations for The Wealth Elite. The below picture is from Gatwick airport.

Character Traits Of ‘The Wealth Elite’

Interview with Gil Weinreich

Seeking Alpha, 27. August 2018

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Book launch in China in August 2018

Dr. Dr. Zitelmann with the renowned economist Professor Zhang Weiying (“The Logic of the Market”) in August 2018 in Beijing

TV-Talkshow in China about THE WEALTH ELITE (statements from Rainer Zitelmann in English), August 2018

Chinese media coverage of Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann’s promotional tour of five Chinese cities in August 2018 (in English)

To the overview (PDF)

Interview on Thrive Global

“I’d like to start an “I love capitalism” movement” With Dr. Rainer Zitelmann

9. October 2018


Guest Article on Valuewalk.com

The Wealth Elite – On Taking Risks, Swimming Against The Tide, And Harnessing Failure

10. October 2018


The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich

“The Wealth Elite is a complete, educational analysis of successful and wealthy entrepreneurs. All topics are covered in depth with research to back up Dr. Zitelmann’s findings. I particularly enjoyed reading the interview responses of the individuals in the study. Although each participant came from a different background, it was easy to see a general pattern of thinking among these successful individuals…. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the psychology behind the wealthy.”


Which Investing Style Is Right for You?

Great investors can use different techniques. But honest introspection is key to all strategies.

US News & World Report, Jon Divine, 15. October 2018


Book Review: The Wealth Elite

“Rainer Zitelmann’s study of the psychology of the super rich is an ambitious project. Few could be better qualified for it than Dr Zitelmann – an historian, sociologist, journalist, businessman and investor. There has been no comparable study and it is a compelling read for all who need to understand the characteristics and motivations of rich entrepreneurs. These people drive economic growth, back innovation, create jobs and finance philanthropic projects. So why has such a study never been attempted before? It is hard to access these people and design questionnaires that generate a meaningful response.”

Michael Maslinski, FINANCAL TIMES, October 24th, 2018


The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich

Manhattan Book Review: 5 Star-Review:

“The Wealth Elite is a complete, educational analysis of successful and wealthy entrepreneurs. All topics are covered in depth with research to back up Dr. Zitelmann’s findings….
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the psychology behind the wealthy.”


Personality traits, experiences and attitudes of the super-rich, with Dr Rainer Zitelmann


Here are two segments from an interview about THE WEALTH ELITE (by Rainer Zitelmann), which aired nationally across a number of Canadian radio stations on October 28, including stations in Toronto and affiliate stations in Ottawa, St Catherines and Vancouver.

“It’s a fascinating book and a much-needed one.”

Adam Smith Institute

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Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, presentation in front of 1000 participants of the immopreneur congress in Darmstadt November 2018

Photographs by @Momentesammler Patrick Reymann

Book reviews: Robert Kuok: A memoir, The Wealth Elite, Passing the Torch

By Nicholas Moody, Susan Lingeswaran, Camden FB, 26 November 2018

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Stop the tinkering and let capitalism get on with it

Guest article in The Telegraph, 3 December 2018

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The Wealth Elite

Guest article on g9perspectives.com, 5 December 2018

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Radio-interview with Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, BBC Radio Scotland, 10 December 2018.

Radio-interview with Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, Siren FM, 13 December 2018.

Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann: Interview with BBC Radio Guernsey (18. Dec. 2018)


Are There Psychological Traits Common To Ultra-Wealthy Entrepreneurs?

Guest article on alleywatch.com, 17 December 2018

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Interview with Dr. Dr. Zitelmann and book review in CITY A.M., 20 December 2018

“This wide ranging tome, which covers economic systems across China, Africa, Germany, the US and UK exploring the power of capitalism, may not persuade staunch anti-capitalists of the author’s alternative viewpoint. However, it certainly offers a robust challenge to anti-capitalist views and provides a series of well defined and researched arguments in favour of a capitalist society.” CITY A.M.

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Book reviews “The Wealth Elite” and “The Power of Capitalism” by Tom Burroughes on Wealth Briefing, 21 December 2018


In Miami Beach, December 2018

Book excerpt: The Wealth Elite

Luxury Daily, December 17, 2018

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